Wednesday 19 March 2014

7 Emotions That Significantly Affect Your Health!

In traditional Chinese medicine believes - the seven emotions, which have a significant impact on our health.

Anger, hatred or anxiety affects not only the mood, but also health.
All Chinese medicine based on the belief that an individual is only a part of something greater and is united with the other forces of nature . In turn, each organ is associated with emotion , and when the emotions we have adopted particularly strong , it will inevitably affect the internal organs. For example , prolonged anger can lead to changes in liver function . At the same time, the liver may contribute to anger , and this creates a vicious circle . The eternal question , which is the first : the chicken or the egg ... In addition, the solution is not suppressed emotions - are naturally survive all the wide range of emotions . True, the vast art of life is to live in harmony , and it has no place in exaggeration . Once one emotion is felt particularly intense or prolonged , resulting imbalance . Here's what happens in the case of a body!


Anger is associated with the liver and is caused by Qi or Chee ( life force ) was noted in the form of red eyes and face , headaches and dizziness . Liver fire grows, it may even attack the spleen , causing diarrhoea , loss of appetite and digestive problems.In the long term suppressed anger or frustration leads to stagnation of liver Chee , and may present as depression or menstrual disorders. Generally, people are starting to use herbal preparations to release inactive liver Chee , experiencing real wrath . Anger disappears when the situation becomes normal again . Among other things, they learned that their anger and irritability is a physiological reason , many people feel a great relief.


These emotions are associated with the heart. I have to say , the claim that pleasure could cause internal organ failure , it seems confusing , but as we all strive for joy . It turns out , not the happiness and joy a problem , but the loss of balance , which caused an excessive enthusiasm and unexpected joy . Paradoxically, the fact - the body will be felt as a shock . To determine if a person has a stress level must take into account all types of stressors - both positive and negative . Dismissal or sick relatives' care is undoubtedly important causes of stress . But even a wedding or work increase , although very nice , are sources of stress . The man who is busy all the time , and maximum enjoy all that life offers , can upset the balance of your heart , creating extra heart beats , anxiety and insomnia.
                          Worries can cause problems with the spleen and cause indigestion.
                                      The "lunar cycle"

Since our daily life is not at all easy , worry can be one of the most common emotions that take over control of him. But the worry about everything and everyone may cause spleen problems and to empty its energy. The result - digestive problems and chronic fatigue . A weakened spleen can not efficiently convert food or life force Chee , while the lungs are unable to accommodate Chee from the air. A man who worries too much , feel as though myself to bring the shoulders around the world severity . It is this feeling characterized by weakened spleen . In order to restore balance and encourage people to solve real problems, not only worry should be used in accordance with the herbal preparation complexes.

                                  Obsessive Thoughts

Too strong thinking or obsession with something able to significantly harm the spleen, causing stagnation Chee . The result - start to forget a meal , not a good appetite after meals blowfish abdomen , the skin can become markedly pale. Next may also suffer a heart , and the man begins to repeatedly see the same dreams. Often these symptoms fall into students - it can help preparations tone Chee spleen and heart blood .


Grief and mourning affects mainly the lungs , causing fatigue , shortness of breath , crying and depression. To get rid of these symptoms and helps acupuncture, acting on the points of the lung and kidney meridian . It is helpful to the plant complex in tone or lung Chee Yin .


Anxiety is directly related to the kidneys.Nothing is a huge sometimes people are not able to control himself and wet in to pants. The children passing water bed psychologists often explained by uncertainty and anxiety . Long-term excitement and fear of the future can affect the kidney yin , yang and Chee , causing chronic fatigue syndrome. To get rid of the fatigue , you must use the yin yang tonics or - depending on the need .


Traumatic shock affects the kidneys and heart. Fight or flight response contributing to the increased excretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands , but it causes extra heart beats , anxiety and insomnia. Chronic stress that occurs after shocks may adversely affect all of the body's systems. Strong shock may have effects on the heart, manifests itself as post-traumatic stress disorder . Attempt to recover the balance of complexes - in talks with a psychotherapist , as well as the use of herbal preparations that soothes the spirit and nourish the heart and kidneys , as well as visiting acupuncture .

                                       What to do ?

Emotions allow power to the mayor . You can rejoice , grieve , grieve and worry , but it all fits in parallel to devote the time and place of a complete standstill , otherwise the prolonged and intense emotions undermine health. On the other hand , the obvious reason for their anger, fear or sadness difficult to see , it is advisable to find an acupuncture specialist who will help release the energy flow in the respective organs.