Friday, 28 February 2014

How To Naturally Reduce Wrinkles At Home On Your Face?

This issue is relevant to all of us. And it is concerned. The men! Never mind that they do not want to admit it. This time, on how to reduce wrinkles.

Completely stop the process can not be due to age our body starts to dry out, but there are some things that light can significantly reduce the amount of wrinkles.

To begin with , the routine is to drink a lot of water (at least two litters) . Our body is made ​​up of 70 % water, which is why should periodically supply the body with liquid. During the summer, recommended as much as possible to stay with a water tap , as well as from outside the body need moisture . But this time of year should not stay in the sun very much ! Yes , the sun gives us the good things , such as supplying the body with vitamin D , but the sun's rays dry out your skin and fast to " novecina " . Sunbathing may , but need to think up and , of course, to use sun protection creams .

After twenty-five years of age should begin to think about the enhanced facial care. Should be worn day and night creams, facial skin which will supply the necessary substances to make it last longer maintain its firmness. Remember that facial creams (including makeup ) should be applied to the middle of the face " out" . A drawing , gentle movements , as it faces you " massaged " in the right position and over time it can be one of the weapons in the fight against wrinkles . Skin should be massaged at all . Beauticians offer the following procedures, which over time really makes obvious effect!

Should be used in nourishing facial masks and skrubīšus to successfully get rid of the dead skin layer to the new layers of skin to make it easier to recover !

Keep trying to withdraw from the careless use of a drink , as they very " successful " from the body expels the water out very much , that is why after excessive alcohol consumption is a sore head and other hangover symptoms. Every now and then a glass of wine will not harm , but should not get carried away .

If you are a smoker, then your body needs to pay more attention boosted . Smoking is one of the biggest factors that will make your face dry , wrinkled and unhealthy tone. A tip would be to quit , but if this is difficult , then copy itself further or go to a family doctor , but because he can help to quit smoking.

It is said that the face is the mirror of the body's state of health . If since the entire body will think good thoughts about yourself , eat healthy and drink plenty of water , then it's all reflected in his face , and youth remain more !

Spring is approaching ! We will enjoy a nice time with sense gets the first rays of the sun and will be happy !


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

10 Reasons Why You Should Eat A Cucumber!

Cucumbers are the fourth most widely grown vegetables in the world. And not for nothing, because the cucumbers are not only delicious but also very healthy! By the way, did you know that the perfect remedy for a hangover?

cucumber is considered one of the most effective blood cleaners ..

1.Cucumbers great hydrate your body!or ... it is capable of supplying enough water. If you have forgotten everyday drink plenty of water, eat fresh cucumber for lunch, which is composed of 97% water.

2.Cucumber detoxifies.
Cucumber acts as a great detoxifying agent. Demonstrated that it is able to dissolve kidney stones.
3.Cucumber as a source of vitamins.
Cucumber provides a daily dose of vitamins. A, B and C will be able to provide a stable vitamin immune system and give the desired energy.

4.Cucumber diets.
If you want to follow a diet, then cucumber shall become your best ally. Cucumbers are not just a lot of water, but also very, very low in calories.
100 g cucumber contains only 14 kcal!
5.Cucumber chewing.
It turns out that eating crunchy cucumber, we employ a very active jaws. Chewing is active, which means the active circulation.
6.Cucumber on the eyes. 
 Old century recipe can be appreciated forever. Cold cucumber really removes puffiness and moisturizes the skin around the eyes.

7.Cucumber special composition.
Cucumber not only contain 97% water, but also by many important substances and trace elements: fibres, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine.

8.Cucumber juice.

Cucumber juice improves appetite, strengthens the nervous system, heart, joints, teeth, normalize blood pressure, treating rheumatism, atherosclerosis, improves memory and skin. Cucumber juice is an excellent diuretics, it helps to restore strength.
9.Cucumber is an excellent remedy for a hangover.
If you have longer night out with your friends and know that tomorrow will come with a headache, before you go to sleep eat fresh cucumbers. Then next morning hangover will be lighter.

10.Cucumber freshens breath.

Cucumber wonderfully refreshing breath: take a slice of cucumber in your mouth and force the tongue to the palate. After 30 seconds, the breath will be greatly improved.



Monday, 24 February 2014

You Wash Your Hair Every Day? Find Out Why Not To Do It!

Of course, we want to look beautiful, radiant, fresh feel. But sometimes overdo it with hair washing. Perhaps you it sounds acceptable, but the hair is allowed to get a bit oily (within limits). Explanation of why we are so!

Less problematic styling

Freshly washed hair is smooth, slippery , so it is quite difficult to style . In addition styled haircut quickly breaks down . Even if you go to the hairdresser hairdressing for the evening , it is better if you are not washed your hair that day , but a day or two ago.
Hair colour will stay longer

If you wash my hair every day , hair colour quickly wash out remain dim and hair look dull , they will often be painted to overall image is beautiful and groomed . The hair fibre . Think , for example, the wool fibres - the more you wash it , the worse the wool looks. Exactly the same is true with hair.

They will be healthier

If you let the hair naturally and wash them a couple of times a week , you are actually giving shape natural oils , which are very important for hair health and beauty . With too frequent hair washing you make them dry and dull , they look unhealthy and neglected , even though you supposedly cared about them , wash them every day . This habit is not healthy !

You will save time

Especially the case if you have long hair , wash them less often will save the time you 'll be able to make use of the most useful things.


If you wash your hair seems unacceptable least once a day , learn how to style them in a variety of new ways, learn how to create new hairstyles , bought new and modern accessories to make your head nice jewelry . See - hair look beautiful , and become healthier, as will be able to pick up their natural , healthy ingredients.