Thursday 28 August 2014

What About Your Character Show Hair Color?

It turns out that our natural hair colour is a huge amount of information encoded in the know will reveal much more than you could imagine. The portal know what hair colour has a relationship with nature.

If you stained your hair will most likely want to improve not only the image but also character.
Stereotypes about stupid blondes have little connection with reality. It turns out that the planet remains very little blondes - only 16% of the earth's population (including men) have such hair colour. Women with blonde hair are neither stupid or mild. He has a sharp mind and a strong logical thinking. That is blonde, more than any other hair colour proprietors can trust your instincts, because they are so highly developed. Blondes are durable, but behind this exterior lies a powerful emotion that they can not play around. Neither girl with blonde hair do not trust other people enough to enable him to look into the depths of your soul and find out what is actually going on there. Whereas men's perceptions of the blondes is very different from the truth, then the expected obedient and gentle wife instead he produced a smart Estimator in any situation and think about your own benefits. So blondes relations can quickly enter the strife and even unexpected divorce. The only stereotype, which is more or less true about blondes have sex appeal. These women really have a strong sexual energy and they are great bed partners. Gray ash blonde or gray hair to the owner of the other blondes distinguished by means of determination and a desire to stand out from the masses. Such women will use to achieve your goal by any means.

Natural Dark Hair!
Girls with naturally dark hair colour by its very nature tends to be very melancholy, sensitive, prone to deep emotions and often bike with inferiority complexes. Anyway who brunettes but he knows perfectly well what it means to sudden mood change. Her own experience tend not to hold ourselves and can flare up as a match, then go out, just as fast. Therefore cohabitation with brunette has no harbour, but a continuous series of emotional outbreaks. One of the ways brunettes tend to build their self-esteem, men's hearts are breaking. And there is not nothing to do with their sexual temperament. In this way, brunettes released from questioning doubt about their beauty and usefulness to society. Women with dark hair more than others interested in psychology, psychotherapy, religion, arts and esoteric. In a lighter skin tone brunettes, because those properties are more pronounced and more marked in sentimentality. Such women are patient, achieves its goals through very carefully the development of tactics and strategies.

Natural Red Hair!
Unlike blondes, ore hair stereotypes as active sexual beings and true. Women with ore hair colour is like a really explosive devices. It turns out that people with red hair creating fewer anti-stress hormones than any other hair colour owners. So red-too emotional and may even be hysterical and unpredictable. Women with red hair do not suffer if one of his team shall be governed by and indicate how to proceed. Her difficulties with acceptance of a variety of community-existing conditions or restrictions. Therefore, if possible, her original Wild Child is better than appeasement and exported, as necessary. They are firmly convinced that no one owes anyone anything and not actively pursuing this principle into action. Ore hair owners is completely indifferent to the authority or idols, they are significant only one person - they are her own. Women with hair the colour difficult to switch to the collective, more preferably misfit status. Redhead is very spontaneous and often do not think what they say. It is for this reason that they are not very successful at their careers or relationships, because people around the directness unable to accept. Women with red hair not only more likely to have sex than the other, but also manages to do so with a variety of partners. Their thinking is not formulaic, so the conscience of the ladies do not torture.

Chestnut hair!
Women with chestnut hair almost the same radiates heat, so it is very soft and lovely, the men appreciate. They are based on a stable nervous system and calm nature. Brunettes are sociable, pleasant dealings with joy starts a new acquaintance. Brunettes with no long and painful search for a suitable conversation topic as dialogue moves freely, without coercion. Their strengths are the ability to maintain composure in stressful situations. With a cute smile on her face brunette is capable of a couple of minutes to settle the dispute and without panic to find a way out of it as a hopeless situation. At the same time, too peaceful life without adrenaline and unexpected events, she seems drab and boring. Brunettes themselves without realizing it does not focus and your appearance, but the mind and intellect. True, then the same wonder why men they consider cool dude, not the femme fatale. They very much appreciates brunettes professionalism, competence, logical thinking, even entrust them ambrosial details of his life, but ... novels begins
with a different hair colour owners.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

7 Emotions That Significantly Affect Your Health!

In traditional Chinese medicine believes - the seven emotions, which have a significant impact on our health.

Anger, hatred or anxiety affects not only the mood, but also health.
All Chinese medicine based on the belief that an individual is only a part of something greater and is united with the other forces of nature . In turn, each organ is associated with emotion , and when the emotions we have adopted particularly strong , it will inevitably affect the internal organs. For example , prolonged anger can lead to changes in liver function . At the same time, the liver may contribute to anger , and this creates a vicious circle . The eternal question , which is the first : the chicken or the egg ... In addition, the solution is not suppressed emotions - are naturally survive all the wide range of emotions . True, the vast art of life is to live in harmony , and it has no place in exaggeration . Once one emotion is felt particularly intense or prolonged , resulting imbalance . Here's what happens in the case of a body!


Anger is associated with the liver and is caused by Qi or Chee ( life force ) was noted in the form of red eyes and face , headaches and dizziness . Liver fire grows, it may even attack the spleen , causing diarrhoea , loss of appetite and digestive problems.In the long term suppressed anger or frustration leads to stagnation of liver Chee , and may present as depression or menstrual disorders. Generally, people are starting to use herbal preparations to release inactive liver Chee , experiencing real wrath . Anger disappears when the situation becomes normal again . Among other things, they learned that their anger and irritability is a physiological reason , many people feel a great relief.


These emotions are associated with the heart. I have to say , the claim that pleasure could cause internal organ failure , it seems confusing , but as we all strive for joy . It turns out , not the happiness and joy a problem , but the loss of balance , which caused an excessive enthusiasm and unexpected joy . Paradoxically, the fact - the body will be felt as a shock . To determine if a person has a stress level must take into account all types of stressors - both positive and negative . Dismissal or sick relatives' care is undoubtedly important causes of stress . But even a wedding or work increase , although very nice , are sources of stress . The man who is busy all the time , and maximum enjoy all that life offers , can upset the balance of your heart , creating extra heart beats , anxiety and insomnia.
                          Worries can cause problems with the spleen and cause indigestion.
                                      The "lunar cycle"

Since our daily life is not at all easy , worry can be one of the most common emotions that take over control of him. But the worry about everything and everyone may cause spleen problems and to empty its energy. The result - digestive problems and chronic fatigue . A weakened spleen can not efficiently convert food or life force Chee , while the lungs are unable to accommodate Chee from the air. A man who worries too much , feel as though myself to bring the shoulders around the world severity . It is this feeling characterized by weakened spleen . In order to restore balance and encourage people to solve real problems, not only worry should be used in accordance with the herbal preparation complexes.

                                  Obsessive Thoughts

Too strong thinking or obsession with something able to significantly harm the spleen, causing stagnation Chee . The result - start to forget a meal , not a good appetite after meals blowfish abdomen , the skin can become markedly pale. Next may also suffer a heart , and the man begins to repeatedly see the same dreams. Often these symptoms fall into students - it can help preparations tone Chee spleen and heart blood .


Grief and mourning affects mainly the lungs , causing fatigue , shortness of breath , crying and depression. To get rid of these symptoms and helps acupuncture, acting on the points of the lung and kidney meridian . It is helpful to the plant complex in tone or lung Chee Yin .


Anxiety is directly related to the kidneys.Nothing is a huge sometimes people are not able to control himself and wet in to pants. The children passing water bed psychologists often explained by uncertainty and anxiety . Long-term excitement and fear of the future can affect the kidney yin , yang and Chee , causing chronic fatigue syndrome. To get rid of the fatigue , you must use the yin yang tonics or - depending on the need .


Traumatic shock affects the kidneys and heart. Fight or flight response contributing to the increased excretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands , but it causes extra heart beats , anxiety and insomnia. Chronic stress that occurs after shocks may adversely affect all of the body's systems. Strong shock may have effects on the heart, manifests itself as post-traumatic stress disorder . Attempt to recover the balance of complexes - in talks with a psychotherapist , as well as the use of herbal preparations that soothes the spirit and nourish the heart and kidneys , as well as visiting acupuncture .

                                       What to do ?

Emotions allow power to the mayor . You can rejoice , grieve , grieve and worry , but it all fits in parallel to devote the time and place of a complete standstill , otherwise the prolonged and intense emotions undermine health. On the other hand , the obvious reason for their anger, fear or sadness difficult to see , it is advisable to find an acupuncture specialist who will help release the energy flow in the respective organs.

Friday 28 February 2014

How To Naturally Reduce Wrinkles At Home On Your Face?

This issue is relevant to all of us. And it is concerned. The men! Never mind that they do not want to admit it. This time, on how to reduce wrinkles.

Completely stop the process can not be due to age our body starts to dry out, but there are some things that light can significantly reduce the amount of wrinkles.

To begin with , the routine is to drink a lot of water (at least two litters) . Our body is made ​​up of 70 % water, which is why should periodically supply the body with liquid. During the summer, recommended as much as possible to stay with a water tap , as well as from outside the body need moisture . But this time of year should not stay in the sun very much ! Yes , the sun gives us the good things , such as supplying the body with vitamin D , but the sun's rays dry out your skin and fast to " novecina " . Sunbathing may , but need to think up and , of course, to use sun protection creams .

After twenty-five years of age should begin to think about the enhanced facial care. Should be worn day and night creams, facial skin which will supply the necessary substances to make it last longer maintain its firmness. Remember that facial creams (including makeup ) should be applied to the middle of the face " out" . A drawing , gentle movements , as it faces you " massaged " in the right position and over time it can be one of the weapons in the fight against wrinkles . Skin should be massaged at all . Beauticians offer the following procedures, which over time really makes obvious effect!

Should be used in nourishing facial masks and skrubīšus to successfully get rid of the dead skin layer to the new layers of skin to make it easier to recover !

Keep trying to withdraw from the careless use of a drink , as they very " successful " from the body expels the water out very much , that is why after excessive alcohol consumption is a sore head and other hangover symptoms. Every now and then a glass of wine will not harm , but should not get carried away .

If you are a smoker, then your body needs to pay more attention boosted . Smoking is one of the biggest factors that will make your face dry , wrinkled and unhealthy tone. A tip would be to quit , but if this is difficult , then copy itself further or go to a family doctor , but because he can help to quit smoking.

It is said that the face is the mirror of the body's state of health . If since the entire body will think good thoughts about yourself , eat healthy and drink plenty of water , then it's all reflected in his face , and youth remain more !

Spring is approaching ! We will enjoy a nice time with sense gets the first rays of the sun and will be happy !


Tuesday 25 February 2014

10 Reasons Why You Should Eat A Cucumber!

Cucumbers are the fourth most widely grown vegetables in the world. And not for nothing, because the cucumbers are not only delicious but also very healthy! By the way, did you know that the perfect remedy for a hangover?

cucumber is considered one of the most effective blood cleaners ..

1.Cucumbers great hydrate your body!or ... it is capable of supplying enough water. If you have forgotten everyday drink plenty of water, eat fresh cucumber for lunch, which is composed of 97% water.

2.Cucumber detoxifies.
Cucumber acts as a great detoxifying agent. Demonstrated that it is able to dissolve kidney stones.
3.Cucumber as a source of vitamins.
Cucumber provides a daily dose of vitamins. A, B and C will be able to provide a stable vitamin immune system and give the desired energy.

4.Cucumber diets.
If you want to follow a diet, then cucumber shall become your best ally. Cucumbers are not just a lot of water, but also very, very low in calories.
100 g cucumber contains only 14 kcal!
5.Cucumber chewing.
It turns out that eating crunchy cucumber, we employ a very active jaws. Chewing is active, which means the active circulation.
6.Cucumber on the eyes. 
 Old century recipe can be appreciated forever. Cold cucumber really removes puffiness and moisturizes the skin around the eyes.

7.Cucumber special composition.
Cucumber not only contain 97% water, but also by many important substances and trace elements: fibres, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine.

8.Cucumber juice.

Cucumber juice improves appetite, strengthens the nervous system, heart, joints, teeth, normalize blood pressure, treating rheumatism, atherosclerosis, improves memory and skin. Cucumber juice is an excellent diuretics, it helps to restore strength.
9.Cucumber is an excellent remedy for a hangover.
If you have longer night out with your friends and know that tomorrow will come with a headache, before you go to sleep eat fresh cucumbers. Then next morning hangover will be lighter.

10.Cucumber freshens breath.

Cucumber wonderfully refreshing breath: take a slice of cucumber in your mouth and force the tongue to the palate. After 30 seconds, the breath will be greatly improved.



Monday 24 February 2014

You Wash Your Hair Every Day? Find Out Why Not To Do It!

Of course, we want to look beautiful, radiant, fresh feel. But sometimes overdo it with hair washing. Perhaps you it sounds acceptable, but the hair is allowed to get a bit oily (within limits). Explanation of why we are so!

Less problematic styling

Freshly washed hair is smooth, slippery , so it is quite difficult to style . In addition styled haircut quickly breaks down . Even if you go to the hairdresser hairdressing for the evening , it is better if you are not washed your hair that day , but a day or two ago.
Hair colour will stay longer

If you wash my hair every day , hair colour quickly wash out remain dim and hair look dull , they will often be painted to overall image is beautiful and groomed . The hair fibre . Think , for example, the wool fibres - the more you wash it , the worse the wool looks. Exactly the same is true with hair.

They will be healthier

If you let the hair naturally and wash them a couple of times a week , you are actually giving shape natural oils , which are very important for hair health and beauty . With too frequent hair washing you make them dry and dull , they look unhealthy and neglected , even though you supposedly cared about them , wash them every day . This habit is not healthy !

You will save time

Especially the case if you have long hair , wash them less often will save the time you 'll be able to make use of the most useful things.


If you wash your hair seems unacceptable least once a day , learn how to style them in a variety of new ways, learn how to create new hairstyles , bought new and modern accessories to make your head nice jewelry . See - hair look beautiful , and become healthier, as will be able to pick up their natural , healthy ingredients.


Thursday 20 February 2014

Discovered That Regular Sex Can Improve Your Appearance!

When you looks at the mirror and you see your face on the acne, or complain to your dermatologist about this problem, probably the last thing will think that it is to blame for the sex habits of yours. Find out how sex can have a positive impact on your beauty!
British scientists have figured out that having sex regularly , you can look younger and more radiant , and healthier. These same researchers demonstrated that people years , who all live an active and regular sex life , looks even five to seven years younger than the truth.
Here are a variety of explanations as to why sex is so healthy for our skin :

Secreted anti-inflammatory molecules
Also experienced dermatologists recognize that regular sex body secretes important substances that improve the skin's appearance . Sex is released during particular important anti-inflammatory molecules , such as beta- endorphin .

The skin acquires glow
Sexual intercourse also boosts the immune system , eliminates the tension, allows to relax , to feel free and released through the sweat pores of toxins and the skin becomes radiant . Why sex excretion of sweat makes the skin shine , you ask ? Because there is only one other activity at a level capable of producing anti-aging hormone oxytocin. All this releases the hormone of happiness , which makes the face look more radiant , which not only looks neat , but also prevents the formation of wrinkles .

Treating dry skin
A further benefit of the beauty provided by the regular practice of sex - it increases estrogen levels , which are struggling with dry skin , moisturizing and improving it, and improves skin elasticity .

Cleans the pores , reducing acne
It has been shown that people who have regular intercourse , lying closer and high-quality sleep. And that can be even better than our beauty , and proper rest ? Acne commonly occurs as a result of congestion , especially if your daily work is related to the long-term presence in front of the computer with insufficient rest and sleep , of course, the trigger may be poor nutrition , etc. things , but why not try this " method of treatment " ?

Remember though that dealt with sex for fun , rather than doing it just for the sake of beauty . In addition, both for pleasure and beauty in good enough for 2 - 3 times a week, which will be quite regular and useful !

Good Luck!

Sunday 16 February 2014

What Hairstyle Suits To Your Face Shape?

Let's look at the most popular face shapes and what haircut or hairstyle will suit you exactly.

Classically there are six types of face shapes . Heart-shaped , rectangular , circular , diamond-shaped , elongated and oval in shape. These types are also briefly considered .
Heart-shaped form:

This face shape is characterized by the pointed chin and forehead markedly expanded part . If you look at the double , then the shape of the face could be described as an inverted triangle , but it sounds a bit ridiculous! Such a suit face shape hairstyles that highlight cheekbones and overlaps the forehead . Well look all kinds of pony hair cuts with natural hair curls falling . It will hide and highlight Highlights will be hidden .

Rectangular shape :

Characteristic forehead, jaw and cheek bone width proportional similarity . This face shape is pretty sharp contours of the face and jaw line. The main task of the hairstyles face shape has been brought to the attention of the expressed jaw line , this can be achieved with a more serious curls at the ends of the hair , if the hair is longer . Such a shape of the face definitely look better longer haircuts . Probably you can experiment with hair tracks in the middle , or placed on the hair curls over the forehead .

The circular form:

This type of face shape usually face is not visible sharp angles and strong cheekbones . The jaw line and rounded cheeks tend to be full . The key to this type of face is to make it visually narrower . It should not create excessive hair around the face amount instead of the amount put yourself into nape of the neck , it's visually narrows your face . Nice to look like hair cuts, ending just below the cheeks. Definitely should avoid cuts , revealing the ears and cheeks , face make it visually more rounder .

The diamond shape :

Widest part of the distance between the cheekbones , just because the shape of the face , the geometric mean is obtained rhombic shape. The forehead and jaw area , has been limited . The main task is to visually hide the forehead and jaw line. Such type of facial owners will be applied to the chin length hairstyles , which can be a bit uzkuplināt temple area. This visually harmonize your face shape !

The oblong shape :

Face length is two times larger than the width of the face , it means that one should choose hairstyles that make your face wider visually . Well might look different types of Bobi and ponies as they visually hide a high forehead . A beautiful look and also face shrinking bushy hair to the shoulders , or you can try to voluminous curls jaw . Will nicely and face paplatinoši .

Oval shape :

This face type is characterized by the face length is appreciably greater than the width . The face shape owners can rejoice , because they can afford to carrying around that load very different types of cuts and hairstyles, the key to the hairstyle is beautifully styled , then nothing will not damage your general image . Suit both short and long , and even very curly hair . Choose your hair cut hairstyle for the other factors. For example, your lifestyle , or other factors influence in face shape lets you experiment a lot more than other owners face shape . Maybe try the crazy , asymmetric and extravagant ?

It would be all briefly . Get to know your face and the types of people you can easily tell what hairstyles suit better .

Thursday 13 February 2014

Fight against aging,with these 20 products!!!


Although it is not possible to stop aging, but we can try everything in our power to prevent it as much as possible. And the best thing, if it can be done in a natural way. Consuming these 20 products!

When it comes to anti-aging molecules , the most important job there is antioxidants. They are able to delay the aging process and help restore damaged cells in the body. Blueberries are one of the richest antioxidant products on the planet .


Dishes made ​​from tomatoes, contain healthy amounts of lycopene , which is a valuable nutrient and may even reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer . Lycopene anti-aging properties of the years become increasingly indispensable and valuable human body.


They are a very healthy snack . Nuts not only to suppress the appetite , they also contain magnesium, iron , zinc, potassium, selenium, copper , fiber and a variety of healthy fats . All of this valuable substance complex also work well to prevent aging.

Orange Juice.

A glass of orange juice in the morning is a great choice as supplying the body with a considerable dose of beta -carotene , vitamin C and other important anti-aging elements. It is also a natural energy fastener .

It is a single-celled freshwater algae , but great impact on the body , the skin not only look but also feel younger . Chlorella is available in capsules , which can be used as a vitamin .


When it comes to Omega- 3 fatty acids , fish is considered to be the best source of admission . In particular, a healthy salmon . Omega -3 not only helps to prevent aging, but also to maintain the "sharp " mind and good memory .


Helps eliminate toxins from the body . In addition, the most important of these is to eat steamed vegetables , preparing fresh herbs instead of frozen . The freezing process they lose a lot of valuable nutrients and anti-aging processes do not work so well.

Green Tea.

Various studies have shown that it not only is a great tool in the fight against aging body , but also a good guard to lower the chance of developing breast cancer. This is because the tea helps to limit the estrogen levels in the body .

They not only contain high amounts of iron and calcium , but also carotenoids, which helps maintain eye health , youthful look around them and good eyesight .


It turns out that in this ingridiant can help premature aging , not only giving you the power and pleasure of sipping . In addition, it has the ability to protect against colon cancer .


When it comes to aging retardation of the brain is one of the primary organs, which is important to maintain their youthful skills, including good memory . Eat one apple a day and will provide an excellent investment in your health and " pamper " the brain .


Regular and long-term use, it is able to maintain a constant desired blood glucose levels. Interesting , but cinnamon is not only great food flavoring , but the sugar substitute , and additionally prevents the aging process .

Brown Rice
At a young age the importance of energy , which is why it is important to maintain . Different types of carbohydrates are brown rice , and it's the perfect way to get the energy to improve their quality of life. In addition , brown rice also contains a considerable dose of vitamin B and fiber.


A couple of eggs a week and your body will get extra antioxidants - carotenoids intake.


Every day, eating a carrot , you wonderfully strengthen your immune system , the substance also helps to reduce the risk of developing various forms of cancer .

Soy Milk
If you have not tried it yet , do it ! Soy milk is able to facilitate the onset of menopause , as well as help fight against osteoporosis.

Rolled oats
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. But the good thing is that oats contain soluble fibre , which can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. This in turn improves cardiovascular health.

It contains a number of great substance with anti-aging effects. First, mono - saturated fatty acids maintain heart health. Second, the avocado provide the body with a variety of other valuable elements such as lycopene and beta -carotene .


Delay aging can also be delicious. Chocolate , especially dark chocolate can help reduce the risk of blood clots and even lower cholesterol.

This is of particular importance in maintaining youthfulness of the body . A sufficient amount of water helps the body to eliminate toxins and maintain an adequate level of moisture , keeping the skin soft and smooth. It can also help hair and nails to keep its natural shine.

Good Luck !